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Welcome to the official documentation site for Tranzak

The purpose of this site is to provide an open collection of technical topics and details about Tranzak developer APIs that are frequently requested by developers and IT specialists working within the Tranzak ecosystem.

We have tried to provide as much detail as possible and organize it logically. However, if you are looking for details but can not find them here, please provide feedback related to your documentation needs and we will get back with you shortly.

For an overview of the solution and to learn more about the business applications of Tranzak visit our website

For support needs, feel free to drop us an email at

Managing Apps and appKeys

All Tranzak APIs and Keys are linked to an Application. You can create this application from the developer portal or use the default application that is provided to you. You can also create multiple applications and manage theirs app keys separately.

Once your organization has been onboarded to Tranzak, you will be given an account to the developer portal to view your dashboard, manage your apps related keys, as well as key scopes (collection,disbursement or both).

If you enable collections for your key, you will be able to receive money from users. But to send money from your merchant account to a mobile wallet, bank account etc... you will need to manually enable disbursement.


Sandbox appKeys are now prefixed with SAND_ (eg. SAND_C1B041767BBA4B5D808D91AFB18002A5) and production appKeys are prefixed with PROD_ (eg. PROD_HB2141767BBA4B5D808D91AFB1812H38)

Due to continuous enhancements, some of the functions and screen images might be different than what you see on the current level of Tranzak.

All Endpoints have required Authentication and other headers. See Authentication below.

curl "api_endpoint_here" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer Token"

Auth Header Parameters

Parameter required Description
Authorization true user token. in the format Bearer <Token> where <Token> is the token provided by the /auth/token endpoint as shown Here

Common Request Parameters

These Headers must be passed in all requests. Regardless of whether Authorization is needed of not. If the value is not available, the default value should be empty string "";

scope parameter location description required
- Authorization header Authentication token, in the format Bearer ${token}.See token generation true
- X-App-ID header APPlication's appId false

Date and Time

All time and dates are formatted using ISO 8601 format.

e.g. 2022-06-29T21:46:50+00:00

General Response Format

Tranzak API calls return HTTP status codes. In addition, some API calls also return JSON response bodies that include information about the resource. Requests that do not generate error (4xx , 5xx) will generally return HTTP status code 200. HTTP status code is not necessarily indicative that the request execution was success. To verify that the execution completed without any errors, the success flag will be used .

Response Payload

The following JSON snippet displays a typical response for a successful request:

    "data": {
        "response": "pong"
    "success": true

Typical response for a paginated list:

    "data": [],
    "totalItems": 984,
    "pageSize": 50,
    "currentPage": 3,
    "hasMore": true, // whether there are more items in the db form the request
    "success": true

For a failed request, the response may look like the following

    "data": {},
    "success": false,
    "errorMsg": "Invalid or unsupported currency code:XAsF",
    "errorCode": 0


You are advised to always check the value of success to determine outcome of the execution of a request if the HTTP status code returns 200.



App ID: App are used to identify the caller of a Tranzak Partner API endpoint. Access the Tranzak developer portal to create an app.

App Key: The key generated from the Tranzak developer portal. It can be either sandbox or production key, and is different for each application.

Bearer token: A token placed in the header of an HTTP request to authenticate and identify the merchant making the request. A Tranzak Merchant obtains a bearer token by call the /auth/token endpoint.

Base URL

Environment Base URL

Security Consideration

Generate Token

POST /auth/token

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type required Description
appId String true App Id
appKey String true The app key generated from the developer portal eg: SAND_C1B041767BBA4B5D808D91AFB18002A5
// example request body:
  "appId": "apabc123abc133",
  "appKey": "PROD_91AFB18002A5C1B041767BBA4B5D808D91AFB18MJU89" 


Parameter Type required Description
scope String true Comma separated value showing the different scopes of your appKey eg: collections,disbursement
token String true The bearer token that will be used as Authorization header for all your requests.In the format Bearer ${token}
expiresIn Integer true Number of seconds till the token expires. We recommend caching the token in your systems for at least 3/4 of its validity. That's if the token is valid for two hours, you can store it for at least 1h 30min before you get a new token. The Validity of the token may change.

Example Response>

// example response
    "data": {
        "scope": "collections",
        "appId": "ap6gf77v3tdyq4",
        "token": "50E41R0RDEYK1TPWE0MEWX801HM0T42K1TCEMMC0U2E1HR08",
        "expiresIn": 7200
    "success": true

Bearer Token

We use a Bearer token for all our API requests that need a token. The token in passed in the Authorization header, in the format:

Authorization: 'Bearer ${yourToken}'


Pagination governs how data multi-page result-set shall be presented.


Parameter Type required Description
page Integer false The page number
pageSize Integer false The number of items that can be shown in a "page" . Default = 10, maximum = 50
totalItems Integer false The total number of items in the result-set
pageCount Array false (read-only) gives the minimum pageSize and supported maximum value (1 .. 50)
currentPage Integer false The current page number
hasMore Boolean false whether or not there are more items beyond this page (counting forward) .

NOTE Use the following formula to calculate the total number of pages : totalItems/pageSize

General Structure

    "data": {
        "list": [
        "totalItems": 1012,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true 

Error Codes


Error codes provide info that may be used diagnose common errors that occur during transaction processing.

Error Code String Description
1000 PAYER_UNDEFINED_ERROR Unspecified error relating to payer's account.
1001 PAYER_INSUFF_BALANCE Insufficient balance in payer's account
1002 PAYER_PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR Invalid payment method selected
1003 PAYER_PAYMENT_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED No payment method specified
1004 PAYER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED Transaction requires authorization
1010 PAYER_INVALID_PIN The payment PIN is not valid
1011 PAYER_INVALID_RNV_KYC Payer has not completed KYC checks
1201 PAYER_SETTLEMENT_AMOUNT_VIOLATION Settlement amount is not within transaction limits
Error Code String Description
2000 BENE_UNDEFINED_ERROR Unspecified error relating to beneficiary's account
2001 BENE_ACCOUNT_INVALID The destination account is not valid
2002 BENE_ACCOUNT_NAME_INVALID The name of the beneficiary is not valid

Transaction Errors

Error Code String Description
3000 TXN_GENERAL_FAILURE Transaction general failure. e.g caused by internal technical issues
3001 TXN_FAILED_OPERATOR_ERROR The transaction failed due problems encountered on the financial operator's network
3002 TXN_PIN_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED Payment authorization PIN is required to complete the transaction
3004 TXN_EXPIRED The transaction expired
3005 TXN_UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY The transaction currency code is not supported
3007 TXN_INVALID_AMOUNT The transaction amount is not within acceptable limits
3008 TXN_CANCELLED The transaction is in CANCELLED state and may no longer be processed
3009 TXN_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_CODE (Applicable to merchant payment) - invalid/wrong authorization code was input
3010 TXN_APPROVAL_REQUIRED The transaction requires manual approval before it can be processed
3011 TXN_PAYMENT_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED The payment method is not supported
3012 TXN_CROSS_BORDER_PAYMENT_UNSUPPORTED Cross-border payment has not been abled for the Payer's account
3012 TXN_CROSS_BORDER_PAYMENT_UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY The currency may not be used for cross-border transactions ( for the funding account)
3013 TXN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Transaction limits exceeded


Error Code String Description
401 INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN The access token is invalid
4001 AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS Invalid login credentials provided

General System Errors

Error Code String Description
5001 SYSTEM_PARSE_ERROR The data input could not be successfully parsed
5002 SYSTEM_GENERAL_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more input parameters is/are not valid
5005 SYSTEM_EXCEPTION An internal error occurred
5006 SYSTEM_ADMIN_RESTRICTED One of the accounts involved in the transaction has been restricted
5007 SYSTEM_ADMIN_POLICY_VIOLATION The transaction violated an internal/regulatory/administrative policy
5008 SYSTEM_INTERNAL_ERROR Temporary internally error occurred

Financial Partner/Operator Errors

Error Code String Description
7001 OPERATOR_COMM_ERROR The communication channel to the financial operator is not stable
7002 OPERATOR_PAYER_INSUFF_BALANCE The operator reported insufficient balance in the payer's wallet
7003 OPERATOR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_HOLDER Operator reported that the account is not not valid or has been restricted
7004 OPERATOR_TXN_FAILED The transaction failed at the operator's side
7005 OPERATOR_INTERNAL_TXN_FAILURE Operator reported that the transaction failed due to an internal error on their system
7006 OPERATOR_SYSTEM_INTERNAL_ERROR Operator reported that the transaction failed due to an internal error on their system
7007 OPERATOR_INVALID_SERVICE_PROVIDER The requested operator is temporarily not available or not supported


Account Details

Displays account details. If accountId is not specified, then the primary account details will be shown

URL Endpoint

GET /xp021/v1/account/details?accountId={ACCOUNT_ID}


Parameter Type required Description
accountId String true account ID
name String true
description String true custom description provided by the merchant
currencyCode String(3) true currency code
totalBalance Number true the total balance
isActive bool true whether account is active or not
type bool true Account type
createdAt String true creation time
    "data": {
        "accountId": "PO648WT786QZ18FETE39",
        "name": "payout account",
        "description": "",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "isActive": true,
        "type": "payout account",
        "totalBalance": 72590411,
        "availableBalance": 72590411
    "success": true 

List Merchant Sub-Accounts

Displays paginated list of accounts (primary and merchant sub-accounts)

URL Endpoint

GET /mapi/xp021/v1/account/accounts


Parameter Type required Description
accountId String true account ID
name String true the custom name (as set in the merchant dasboard)
description String true custom description provided by the merchant
currencyCode String(3) true currency code
totalBalance Number true the balance
isActive bool true whether account is active or not
createdAt String true creation time
        "accountId": "PA00WCE4JFYKHE07D10R",
        "name": "",
        "description": "",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "balanceAmount": 129907349,
        "isActive": true,
        "type": "Primary account"
        "accountId": "MSA9WWLZC808KOGGEZJA",
        "name": "Coll for Afriland",
        "description": "Party scatter",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "balanceAmount": 11100,
        "isActive": true,
        "type": "Merchant account"
        "accountId": "MSAKTY68HKWBBT2KD9H9",
        "name": "Coll for Afriland",
        "description": "Party scatter",
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "balanceAmount": 539.67,
        "isActive": true,
        "type": "Merchant account"
        "accountId": "PO648WT786QZ18FETE39",
        "name": "",
        "description": "",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "balanceAmount": 72590411,
        "isActive": true,
        "type": "payout account"

Disbursement Account Balance

Displays account details (e.g. balance) of disbursement account.

URL Endpoint

POST /xp021/v1/account/payout-account-details


See the Account Details section.

Collection Account Details

Displays account details (e.g. balance) of primary collection account.

URL Endpoint

POST /xp021/v1/account/collection-account-details


See the Account Details section.

Authorization Code

AVAILABLE ONLY ON SANDBOX ENVIRONMENT Generates authorization code that may be used for testing in-store (in-person) direct charge. See the Payment Request section to learn more on in-person/in-store direct charge.

URL Endpoint

POST /xp021/v1/account/generate-auth-code


Parameter Type required Description
authCode String true the authorization code that can be passed to a payment request in case of direct charge
    "data": {
        "authCode": "316246910952747138393729"
    "success": true 

API Activity

These endpoints provide useful information for API-related activities.

Transaction Notifications (TPN)

Displays log of transaction notifications sent out to configured webhook endpoints.

URL Endpoint

GET /xp021/v1/api-activity/notifications

Request Body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
tpnId String true Unique notification ID
customTransactionId String false custom transaction reference
parentId String false The parent ID of the notification (if applicable)
appId String false The app ID
eventType String false The matching webhook event type
resourceId String false The resource reference
webhookId String false the corresponding webhook ID
authKey String false The webhook authentication key
url String false The callback URL receiving the notification
responseStatusCode String false The HTTP status code


    "data": {
        "list": [
                "tpnId": "TPN2ZUOK4UMTQMJCJ9AQVD5TXZH",
                "parentId": null,
                "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
                "eventType": "REQUEST.COMPLETED",
                "resourceId": "REQ2207069IWELNMNVOY",
                "webhookId": "WHIDZ00LSVVTGZJO6EN5J2",
                "authKey": "x5jxgsBb4cpukKBdwJjjXAN",
                "isSuccess": true,
                "url": "",
                "responseStatusCode": "200",
                "errorDiagnosis": "SUCCESS",
                "dispatchTime": "2022-07-06 10:54:13"
                "tpnId": "TPN2F10QYE05LHWG2I1G6NQRNR5",
                "parentId": null,
                "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
                "eventType": "REQUEST.COMPLETED",
                "resourceId": "REQ2207062Z0ARN7C0VB",
                "webhookId": "WHIDZ00LSVVTGZJO6EN5J2",
                "authKey": "x5jxgsBb4cpukKBdwJjjXAN",
                "isSuccess": false,
                "url": "",
                "responseStatusCode": null,
                "errorDiagnosis": "REMOTE_SERVER_TIMEOUT",
                "dispatchTime": "2022-07-06 10:49:51"
        "totalItems": 2,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 20,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": false
    "success": true 

TPN Details

Displays details of a TPN

URL Endpoint

GET /xp021/v1/api-activity/tpn-details?tpnId={TPN_ID}

Request Body Filters

Parameter Type required Description
tpnId String false Unique TPN ID


    "data": {
        "tpnId": "TPNJUPU9U7NF3QQHILHHN61Q3PF",
        "parentId": null,
        "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
        "eventType": "REQUEST.COMPLETED",
        "resourceId": "REQ220706CLWJ6LP8H7Q",
        "resource": {
            "requestId": "REQ220706CLWJ6LP8H7Q",
            "amount": 1000,
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "description": "Merchant Payment",
            "transactionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "creationTime": "2022-07-06T11:50:07+00:00",
            "mchTransactionRef": "2333333",
            "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
            "createdAt": "2022-07-06T11:50:07+00:00",
            "transactionId": "TX2207063TBYGMKFY31I",
            "transactionTime": "2022-07-06T11:51:32+00:00",
            "fee": 29,
            "payer": {
                "userId": "GUEST_USER",
                "name": "GUEST_USER",
                "paymentMethod": "Visa/Mastercard",
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "countryCode": "CM",
                "accountId": "MASTERCARD **2950",
                "accountName": "MASTERCARD *NG",
                "email": "",
                "fee": 29,
                "customerId": null
            "merchant": {
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "amount": 1000,
                "fee": 0,
                "netAmountReceived": 1000,
                "accountId": "PACVUM3QVMD3JFWZK7KF"
            "links": {
                "returnUrl": ""
        "webhookId": "WHIDZ00LSVVTGZJO6EN5J2",
        "authKey": "x5jxgsBb4cpukKBdwJjjXAN",
        "isSuccess": true,
        "url": "",
        "responseStatusCode": "200",
        "errorDiagnosis": "SUCCESS",
        "dispatchTime": "2022-07-06 11:51:32"
    "success": true 

Trigger a TPN

This action will cause a TPN to be sent to a configured URL endpoint. It takes a TPN ID as parent TPN and triggers a notification registered webhooks.

URL Endpoint

POST /xp021/v1/api-activity/trigger-tpn

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
tpnId String true The TPN ID e.g TPNVL1AVLIASS9JQPB6F3YKJV7I

Response payload

Success or failure message

    "data": {
        "message": "message"
    "success": true,

Api Call History

Displays recent calls made to the merchant API endpoint. All API calls are automatically deleted after 7 days.

URL Endpoint

GET /xp021/v1/api-activity/api-calls


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String true The app ID


Parameter Type Required Description
id String true request ID
appId String true the app ID
clientIpAddress String true the client IP address
httpMethod String true the HTTP method
responseCode String true the HTTP response code e.g 200
requestedUrl String true the requested URL
requestedHost String true the requested host endpoint
requestPayload String true the submitted payload
createdAt String true time of request


    "data": {
        "list": [
                "id": "zwltjf1lpk09y6v213klb37h",
                "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
                "clientIpAddress": "",
                "httpMethod": "POST",
                "responseCode": 200,
                "requestedUrl": "/mapi/xp021/v1/api-activity/trigger-tpn?id=TPNVL1AVLIASS9JQPB6F3YKJV7I",
                "requestedHost": "",
                "requestPayload": "{\r\n    \"tpnId\": \"TPNJUPU9U7NF3QQHILHHN61Q3PF\"\r\n}",
                "createdAt": "2022-07-06 12:05:11"
                "id": "0lpl12byncdsnkpy95umau5n",
                "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
                "clientIpAddress": "",
                "httpMethod": "POST",
                "responseCode": 200,
                "requestedUrl": "/mapi/xp021/v1/api-activity/trigger-tpn?id=TPNVL1AVLIASS9JQPB6F3YKJV7I",
                "requestedHost": "",
                "requestPayload": "{\r\n    \"tpnId\": \"TPNVL1AVLIASS9JQPB6F3YKJV7I\"\r\n}",
                "createdAt": "2022-07-06 12:05:03"
        "totalItems": 219,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 20,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true

Payment Request (Collection API)

Create and manage payment requests. Payment requests provide trackable means of managing collections via Tranzak merchant API. Payment requests may be invoked as direct charges to valid mobile wallet numbers (e.g MTN Momo or Orange Money) or by redirecting the URL to a web payment endpoint. To prevent abuse, direct charges (to mobile wallets or otherwise ) are monitored closely and access may be revoked without notice if a breach of acceptable terms of use is observed.

Payment Request Status Codes

Code Description
PENDING Payment request is pending and may receive payment.
SUCCESSFUL The transaction was successfully completed.
CANCELLED The request is cancelled and may not receive payment.
CANCELLED_BY_PAYER Request was cancelled by payer.
FAILED The resulting transaction failed. The payment request may no longer receive payment.
PAYMENT_IN_PROGRESS Transaction process has been triggered but has not yet completed.
CANCELLED/REFUNDED The transaction was voided.
PAYER_REDIRECT_REQUIRED The payer should be redirected to a web resource ( paymentAuthUrl ). This happens when the payer is required to perform an action due to security restriction or other reasons e.g input an OTP, fill in CAPTCHA, etc.

Common Attributes that apply when creating Payment Requests

The following parameters are applicable when creating any payment request. Endpoint-specific parameters will be provided based on the type of endpoint being called.

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
amount number true the amount to charge e.g. 1000
currencyCode String(3) true 3-letter currency code , e.g XAF
description String(255) true Description of the transaction as shown to the payer. e.g "A bowl of beef pepper soup"
payerNote String(32) false a note that will be displayed to the payer. This message will be shown to payer when authenticating via USSD (for mobile wallets)
mchTransactionRef String(64) false Custom transaction reference which is used to prevent duplicate requests for the same resource. It is mandatory for calls that require direct charge. Must be unique per request for a duration of 30 days. e.g order10001 .
returnUrl String(500) false URL that the payer shall be redirected to after payment is completed
cancelUrl String(500) false URL that the payer shall be redirected to if payment is cancelled or aborted
receivingAccountId String(32) false Where funds will be moved into after transaction is completed. The default is the primary account. Only merchant sub-accounts and primary account are accepted. e.g MSA3NS4SUHDKLEQJ46IK
serviceDiscountAmount Number false This attribute informs the payer that the merchant had applied a discretional discount equivalent to this amount as part of the transaction. It is for informational purposes only and will not impact the transaction amount. Example: suppose the transaction amount is 1000XAF and the serviceDiscountAmount is 100XAF. It'd mean that the original transaction amount was 1000 + 100 = 1100XAF, thereby implying that the payer has enjoyed a discount of 100XAF. The 100XAF serviceDiscountAmount will NOT be deducted from the transaction amount , i.e. the payer will still be required to authorize 1000XAF .
receivingEntityName string(32) false A custom name to identity the entity receiving this payment. This value could be a shop name, office, any thing useful for transaction analytics purposes , e.g Petit Boutique , Shop321 , etc
transactionTag String(32) false A custom transaction tag, e.g booking123 that can be used to identify the transaction. Useful for transaction analytics/tracking purposes
customization object false See Customization
payerFeePercentage Number false The percentage of the fee that will be borne by the payer. Value should be between 0 and 100. A value of 100 would mean the payer will bear all charges while 0 (default) would mean payer bears zero charges. This value will override the default merchant setting. NOTE : To prevent abuse, this capability must first be enabled on the business portal before it can be used. Failure to enable on the portal will cause the setting to be ignored.
callbackUrl String(1000) false the URL which be invoked after the request is processed. e.g . Optionally , you may set global callback URLs for different events using webhooks.


The layout of the payment authorization page can be customized using the following parameters:

Parameter Type required Description
logoUrl String false the URL of the logo to display on Tranzak Payment Gateway Portal to charge e.g.
title String false the caption that will be displayed to the payer e.g. Cool Business Ltd

Create (web redirect payment)

Creates a payment request. The payer should be redirected to the paymentAuthUrl resource to complete the payment.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/request/create

Request body parameters

See the Common Payment Request Parameters

    "amount": 2000,
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "A plate of fufu and eru",
    "mchTransactionRef": "myorder234555666",
    "returnUrl": ""  


See the Details Section

Create Mobile Money Charge

Creates a direct charge of for a money money number. The request will be pushed directly to the mobile number for authorization.

NOTE : The following services are supported : MTN Cameroon Mobile Money, Orange Money Cameroon. For non-Cameroonian mobile wallet services, use the web redirect option.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/request/create-mobile-wallet-charge

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
mobileWalletNumber String(255) true The mobile wallet number to charge. Must be prefixed with country code. e.g 237680657567
mchTransactionRef String(32) true Custom transaction reference. Must be unique per for the last 30 days and will be used for tracking of the request, e.g order10001
    "amount": 2000,
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "A plate of fufu and eru",
    "mchTransactionRef": "myorder234555666",
    "mobileWalletNumber": "237680657567",
    "returnUrl": ""


See the Details Section

Create Direct Charge via Tranzak QR Code (In-Store Payment)

Creates a direct charge using QR Code obtained from Tranzak mobile app. The request will be pushed directly to the user for authorization. NOTE : To prevent abuse, access to this service will be disabled after 10 failed attempts.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/request/create-in-store-charge

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
authCode String(255) true The authorization code extracted from the payer's QR code via Tranzak mobile app. e.g 318277652078079548470738
mchTransactionRef String(32) true Custom transaction reference. Must be unique per merchant (within 30-day period), e.g order10001
    "amount": 2000,
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "A plate of fufu and eru",
    "mchTransactionRef": "myorder234555666",
    "authCode": "318277652078079548470738",
    "returnUrl": "" 


See the Details Section

Request Details

Displays payment request details.

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/request/details?requestId={REQUEST_ID}

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
requestId String true the request ID. Used for tracking the request throughout the payment cycle.
amount Number true the transaction amount , e.g 1000
currencyCode String(3) true The 3-letter currency code, e.g XAF
description String true Transaction description
status String true the transaction status
mchTransactionRef String true merchant customer reference number
appId String true the app ID that created the request
serviceDiscountAmount String true The discount applied by merchant for this transaction
createdAt String true Date/time the request was created
links object true links object (see links below)
Parameter Type required Description
returnUrl String(500) false the URL that the payer shall be returned to upon completion of transaction
paymentAuthUrl String(500) false the payment authorization URL. The payer shall be redirected to this URL to authorize the payment.



    "data": {
        "requestId": "REQ220705LXLDET890D9",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "description": "Merchant Payment",
        "status": "PENDING",
        "creationTime": "2022-07-05T16:15:35+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "2333333",
        "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-05T16:15:35+00:00",
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": "",
            "paymentAuthUrl": ""
    "success": true 


Parameter Type required Description
requestId String true the request ID. Used for tracking the request throughout the payment cycle.
amount Number true the transaction amount , e.g 1000
currencyCode String(3) true The 3-letter currency code, e.g XAF
description String true Transaction description
status String true the transaction status
mchTransactionRef String true merchant customer reference number
appId String true the app ID that created the request
createdAt String true Date/time the request was created
links object true links
transactionId String true the resulting transaction ID
transactionTime String true transaction time
fee String true the transaction fee.
payer object true json object
merchant object true links
Parameter Type required Description
userId String(32) true the payer user identifier on Tranzak
name String(32) true The payer name
paymentMethod String(32) true The payment method , e.g MTN MOMO
currencyCode String(3) true The currency, e.g XAF
countryCode String(2) true The country code of payer, e.g CM . See Country codes for list of countries and their ISO 3166 codes
accountId String(32) true Payment account reference e.g 237680657567 for mobile money payment
accountName String(32) true The country code of payer, e.g 237680657567
email String(32) true The email , e.g
fee String(32) true Fee paid by payer (in payer's currency)
customerId String(32) false The customer ID of the payer (if the payer is non-guest)
Parameter Type required Description
currencyCode String(3) true the merchant receiving currency code
amount Number true the merchant receiving currency code
fee Number true The fee deducted
netAmountReceived Number true The net amount received by merchant
accountId String(32) true The receiving account ID e.g MSA3NS4SUHDKLEQJ46IK

Foreign Currency Transactions

Applicable for transactions involving foreign more than one currency.

Parameter Type required Description
rate decimal true The sell rate
fromAmount Number true source amount e.g. 100.00
fromCurrencyCode string(3) true The source currency code e.g USD
toAmount Number true the destination amount e.g 59831
toCurrencyCode String(3) true The destination currency e.g XAF
    "data": {
        "requestId": "REQ22070523Y5CN8MXJQ",
        "amount": 20000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "description": "Merchant Payment",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "creationTime": "2022-07-05T16:21:03+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "2333333",
        "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-05T16:21:03+00:00",
        "transactionId": "TX2207059FKZNWLOLR1F",
        "transactionTime": "2022-07-05T16:21:10+00:00",
        "fee": 0,
        "payer": {
            "userId": "tznzgirh9u9jskm7",
            "name": "+237680657567",
            "paymentMethod": "MTN Momo",
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "countryCode": "CM",
            "accountId": "237680657567",
            "accountName": "237680657567",
            "email": null,
            "fee": 0,
            "customerId": "CUSP4IKM9F0PKMZQ"
        "merchant": {
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "amount": 20000,
            "fee": 0,
            "netAmountReceived": 20000,
            "accountId": "PACVUM3QVMD3JFWZK7KF"
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": ""
    "success": true 

Example response with currency conversion

    "data": {
        "requestId": "REQ2207059BL9UEYDW5L",
        "amount": 100,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "description": "A transaction for the world",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "creationTime": "2022-07-05T16:44:59+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "sssssshssssssss",
        "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-05T16:44:59+00:00",
        "transactionId": "TX2207050K8GP99V1SY8",
        "transactionTime": "2022-07-05T16:44:59+00:00",
        "fee": 0,
        "payer": {
            "userId": "tz29",
            "name": "tzid29",
            "paymentMethod": "TRANZAK",
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "countryCode": "CM",
            "accountId": "tz29",
            "accountName": "tzid29",
            "email": null,
            "fee": 0,
            "customerId": "CUSX72M70ZYXLYIB"
        "merchant": {
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "amount": 59831,
            "fee": 0,
            "netAmountReceived": 59831,
            "accountId": "PACVUM3QVMD3JFWZK7KF"
        "forex": {
            "rate": 598.31,
            "fromAmount": 100,
            "fromCurrencyCode": "USD",
            "toAmount": 59831,
            "toCurrencyCode": "XAF"
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": ""
    "success": true 

Cancel a request

Cancels an unpaid payment request.

Request body params

POST /xp021/v1/request/cancel

Parameter Type required Description
requestId String(32) true The payment request ID
    "requestId": "REQ220705UL6WUKML4QX"

Response Body

The payment request details

    "data": {
        "requestId": "REQ220705UL6WUKML4QX",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "description": "Merchant Payment",
        "status": "CANCELLED",
        "creationTime": "2022-07-05T16:52:35+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "2333333",
        "appId": "apc4jtk945h35i",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-05T16:52:35+00:00" 
    "success": true 

Void a request

Cancels an unpaid or paid request. Note: *** If payment had been received, a refund will be triggered. ***

Request body params

POST /xp021/v1/request/void

Parameter Type Required Description
requestId String(32) true The payment request ID
    "requestId": "REQ220705UL6WUKML4QX"

Response Body

The payment request details

    "data": {
        "requestId": "REQ220705FBJF5ASFQKO",
        "amount": 100,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "description": "A transaction for the world",
        "status": "CANCELLED/REFUNDED",
        "creationTime": "2022-07-05T17:00:00+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "sssssshssssssss",
        "appId": "c4jtk945h35i",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-05T17:00:00+00:00",
        "transactionId": "TX220705NTXSYJPQL5R9",
        "transactionTime": "2022-07-05T17:00:00+00:00",
        "fee": 0,
        "payer": {
            "userId": "tz29",
            "name": "tzid29",
            "paymentMethod": "TRANZAK",
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "countryCode": "CM",
            "accountId": "tz29",
            "accountName": "tzid29",
            "email": null,
            "fee": 0,
            "customerId": "CUSX72M70ZYXLYIB"
        "merchant": {
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "amount": 59831,
            "fee": 0,
            "netAmountReceived": 59831,
            "accountId": "PACVUM3QVMD3JFWZK7KF"
        "forex": {
            "rate": 598.31,
            "fromAmount": 100,
            "fromCurrencyCode": "USD",
            "toAmount": 59831,
            "toCurrencyCode": "XAF"
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": ""
    "success": true 

Request History

Display list of requests sorted by the most recent requests.

Request body params

GET /xp021/v1/request/history


Parameter Type required Description
requestId String(32) true The request ID
invoiceId String(32) true filter by invoice ID
receivingAccountId String(32) true reference ID
transactionId String(32) true filter by transaction ID
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "requestId": "REQ220705FBJF5ASFQKO",
                "status": "CANCELLED",
                "amount": 100,
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "description": "A transaction for the world",
                "mchTransactionRef": "sssssshssssssss",
                "creationTime": "2022-07-05 17:00:00",
                "transactionId": "TX220705NTXSYJPQL5R9",
                "status": "REFUNDED",
                "transactionTime": "2022-07-05 17:00:00.743840"
                "requestId": "REQ220705UL6WUKML4QX",
                "status": "CANCELLED",
                "amount": 1000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "description": "Merchant Payment",
                "mchTransactionRef": "2333333",
                "creationTime": "2022-07-05 16:52:35"
                "requestId": "REQ2207059BL9UEYDW5L",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "amount": 100,
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "description": "A transaction for the world",
                "mchTransactionRef": "sssssshssssssss",
                "creationTime": "2022-07-05 16:44:59",
                "transactionId": "TX2207050K8GP99V1SY8",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "transactionTime": "2022-07-05 16:44:59.621916"
        "totalItems": 40,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true 

Refresh Transaction Status

This endpoint is used to refresh a the transaction status of a request. Occasionally, though rarely, some operators such as mobile money providers, might be not send out timely notification when a transaction completes. This endpoint can be called to forcefully obtain the latest transaction status from a third party provider thereby enhancing the payment experience for the payer.

Request body params

POST /xp021/v1/request/refresh-transaction-status

Parameter Type required Description
requestId String(32) true The payment request ID
    "requestId": "REQ220705UL6WUKML4QX"

Response Body

See payment request [[details]] section

Webhook Details

Webhooks are sent out during when the payment request reaches any of the following states:

Event type

To receive callbacks for payment requests, you should create a webhook and subscribe to the following event type : REQUEST.COMPLETED

Callback Payload

Parameter Type required Description
name String true the TPN info e.g. Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)
version String true The TPN version , e.g 1.0
eventType String true The event type that triggered the callback, e.g REQUEST.COMPLETED
appId String true The appId that created the request
resourceId String true Unique identifier of the request, e.g. REQ231121WCZRHH2505D
resource JSON object true This parameter contains the API response of the request and provides details about the transaction (whether SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.)
webhookId String true The webhook reference that triggered the callback
creationDateTime String true The time the request was generated
authKey String true The authentication key (if configured by the user). It may be used to verify that the payload originated from Tranzak servers.

SUCCESSFUL Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "REQUEST.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "REQ231121CIPGSDPMO6J",
    "resource": {
        "requestId": "REQ231121CIPGSDPMO6J",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "description": "API Demo",
        "mobileWalletNumber": "237674460261",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "transactionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T03:09:48+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "myorder234555666",
        "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "payerNote": "",
        "serviceDiscountAmount": null,
        "payerFeePercentage": 0,
        "invoiceId": "11111111",
        "receivingAccountId": "MSA49HR76HJZ2FQ812WG",
        "transactionId": "TX23112186UW8KNF1T07",
        "transactionTime": "2023-11-21T03:09:51+00:00",
        "partnerTransactionId": "sb_5751652493",
        "payer": {
            "userId": "tz8pq60s0o79pzn7",
            "name": "TFT Thrift Shop",
            "paymentMethod": "MTN Momo",
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "countryCode": "CM",
            "accountId": "237674460261",
            "accountName": "",
            "email": null,
            "amount": 1000,
            "discount": 0,
            "fee": 0,
            "netAmountPaid": 1000
        "merchant": {
            "currencyCode": "XAF",
            "amount": 1000,
            "fee": 20,
            "netAmountReceived": 980,
            "accountId": "MSA49HR76HJZ2FQ812WG"
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": "https://MY_CALLBACK_URL/tranzak_tpn"
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 03:09:52",
    "webhookId": "WHM9G4RW7DDXMLIXU6EBZ5",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

FAILED Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "REQUEST.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "REQ231121BKKJYX5PLZ8",
    "resource": {
        "requestId": "REQ231121BKKJYX5PLZ8",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "description": "API Demo",
        "mobileWalletNumber": "237674000000",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionStatus": "FAILED",
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T03:12:38+00:00",
        "mchTransactionRef": "myorder234555666",
        "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "payerNote": "",
        "serviceDiscountAmount": null,
        "payerFeePercentage": 0,
        "invoiceId": "11111111",
        "receivingAccountId": "MSA49HR76HJZ2FQ812WG",
        "links": {
            "returnUrl": "https://MY_CALLBACK_URL/tranzak_tpn"
        "errorCode": 5002,
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 03:12:39",
    "webhookId": "WHM9G4RW7DDXMLIXU6EBZ5",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

Transfer (Disbursement API)

This interface is used to transfer funds from the PAYOUT account to a beneficiary. The beneficiary may be a tranzak user account, a mobile wallet account (MTN MOMO , OM) or bank account Prior to making transfers, the partner must ensure that their PAYOUT account has sufficient usable balance.

Transfer Status Codes

Code Description
PENDING Request has not been authorized and pending payment.
SUCCESSFUL The transaction was successfully completed.
CANCELLED The transfer was cancelled
FAILED The transfer failed.
PROCESSING The transfer is being processed by Tranzak internal system. This is applicable only in situations where the beneficiary is a mobile wallet or bank account.

Common Attributes

The following parameters are applicable when creating any transfer. Endpoint-specific parameters will be provided based on the type of endpoint being called.

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
amount number true the amount to charge e.g. 1000
currencyCode String(3) true 3-letter currency code , e.g XAF
description String(255) true Description of the transaction as shown to the payer. e.g "A bowl of goat pepper soup"
customTransactionRef String(64) false Custom transaction reference which is used to prevent duplicate requests for the same resource. It is mandatory since it's used to prevent duplicate transactions. Must be unique per request for a duration of 30 days. e.g order10001 .
payeeAccountId String(100) true The payee account ID. For internal (Tranzak) users, this may be the Tranzak ID (e.g tzuo7s3tbyjszfkf ) or the mobile phone number (e.g. +237674460261). For mobile wallet transfers this value will be the beneficiary mobile phone number. For bank account, use the bank account number
payeeAccountName String(100) false The payee account name. This is mandatory only for bank account transfers.
verifyPayeeName boolean false (For mobile wallet transactions) Whether or not to verify the name of the beneficiary. Default is true . Note: when verification is set to true, the payeeAccountName will be verified with the mobile money operator. In case of mismatch, the transaction will fail.
payeeNote String(100) false A message that will be displayed to the payee
callbackUrl String(1000) false the URL which will be invoked after the request is processed. e.g . Optionally , you may set global callback URLs for different events using webhooks.
payeeFeePercentage float false The percentage of the fee that will be borne by the payee. Range 0 =< payeeFeePercentage <= 100 . For example, a value of 100 would mean that the payee bears 100% fee which 0 would mean payee bears 0% fee. Default is null which will use the global value set in the Dashboard.
sendSmsToPayee Boolean false Whether to send SMS to recipients. Default is false. e.g. false
sms Object false SMS object (see below)

SMS Body (wrapped inside sms object )

Parameter Type required Description
mobileNumber String true The mobile number to receive SMS notification (if SMS messaging is enabled). This is optional for mobile money transfers. Example: +237674000000
content String true SMS content (limited to 160 ASCII characters) e.g. "Thank you for your business


    "sms": {
        "content": "This is the content for SMS",
        "mobileNumber": "+237674888888"

Transfer to Tranzak Users

Funds will be transferred to the payee account.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/transfer/to-internal-user

Request body parameters

See the Common Parameters

    "amount": "10000",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "Supplier payment",    
    "customTransactionRef": "order123",
    "payeeAccountId": "tz8lp20abxqslgqc",
    "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock" ,
    "payeeNote" : "Payment for 2 bags of cement"


See the details section

Transfer To Mobile Money

Transfers funds from Payout account to mobile wallet.

NOTE : The following services are supported : MTN Cameroon Mobile Money, Orange Money Cameroon.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/transfer/to-mobile-wallet

Request body parameters

See common attributes above.

NOTE Test numbers may be used to simulated different outcomes (SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, PROCESSING) .

    "amount": "10000",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "Supplier payment",    
    "customTransactionRef": "order123",
    "payeeAccountId": "237674000000",
    "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
    "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement"


See the details section

Transfer To CEMAC Bank Account

Transfers funds from Payout account to CEMAC bank account.

NOTE : Only Cameroonian banks are currently supported.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/transfer/to-bank-account

Request body parameters

See common attributes above.

NOTE The bank account number must be 23-digit CEMAC bank account type in the format : BBBBBCCCCCAAAAAAAKK Where : BBBBB is the 5-digit bank code , CCCCC is the 5-digit branch code, AAAAAAAAAAA is the 11-digit account number and KK the RIB. Example : 10005000220449496105178

    "amount": "10000",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "Bank transfer test",
    "customTransactionRef": "testorder123",
    "payeeAccountId": "10005000220449496105178",
    "payeeAccountName": "Tranzak ACME Corp",
    "payeeNote": "Service charge"


See the details section

Top-up Payout Account

This endpoint is used to top up the payout (disbursement) account from a collection account. By default, the primary collection account will be used as funding source.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/transfer/payout-account-topup

Request body parameters

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
amount number true the amount to charge e.g. 1000
currencyCode String(3) true 3-letter currency code , e.g XAF
description String(255) false Description of the transaction as shown to the payer. e.g "A bowl of goat pepper soup"
customTransactionRef String(32) false Custom transaction reference which is used to prevent duplicate requests for the same resource. It is mandatory since it's used to prevent duplicate transactions. Must be unique per request for a duration of 30 days. e.g order10001 .
fundingAccountId String(100) false The funding account ID. (e.g PACG50J3D402X9LEXROU ). The default (primary collection) account will be used if fundingAccountId is not specified.
payeeNote String(100) false A custom note.

NOTE By default, the primary collection account will be used to fund the transaction. Ensure the funding account has sufficient balance to fund the transaction. You may specify any collection account (e.g collection sub-account) , by specifying the account ID.

    "amount": "100",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "description": "Supplier payment",
    "customTransactionRef": "order123",
    "payeeNote": "Payout account topup"


See the [details] section

    "data": {
        "transferId": "TF230629EEHUFTQDTMTT",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "payeeAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "fundingAccountId": "PACG50J3D402X9LEXROU",
        "payeeAccountName": "Payout account",
        "destinationServiceName": "TRANZAK",
        "payeeNote": "Payout account topup",
        "description": "Supplier payment",
        "amount": 100,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 0,
        "customTransactionRef": "order123",      
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "type": "payout account top-up",
        "transactionId": "TX230629K3VRV0LCMAGR",
        "transactionTime": "2023-06-29T13:04:15+00:00",
        "createdAt": "2023-06-29T13:04:15+00:00"
    "success": true 

Request Details

Displays payment request details.

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/transfer/details?transferId={TRANSFER_ID}

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
transferId String true the unique transferId ID. Used for tracking
customTransactionRef String(32) false Custom transaction reference which is used to prevent duplicate



    "data": {
        "transferId": "TF230510WU42HK62KTR1",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "payeeAccountId": "tz8lp20abxqslgqc",
        "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
        "destinationServiceName": "TRANZAK ACCOUNT",
        "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement",
        "description": "Supplier payment",
        "amount": 10000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 0,
        "customTransactionRef": "order123",        
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "type": "internal transfer",
        "transactionId": "TX230510WB8UFGSF11QI",
        "transactionTime": "2023-05-10T13:10:53+00:00",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:10:53+00:00"
    "success": true 


    "data": {
        "transferId": "TF230510GBYJ7ZERTUB2",
        "status": "PROCESSING",
        "payeeAccountId": "237674000000",
        "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
        "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
        "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement",
        "description": "Supplier payment",
        "amount": 10000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 130,
        "customTransactionRef": "order123",        
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:13:12+00:00"
    "success": true 


    "data": {
        "transferId": "TF230510GBYJ7ZERTUB2",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "payeeAccountId": "237674000000",
        "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
        "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
        "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement",
        "description": "Supplier payment",
        "amount": 10000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 130,
        "customTransactionRef": "order123",        
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "errorMessage": "administratively restricted",
        "refundId": "REV230510MWMJSH1",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:13:12+00:00"
    "success": true 

Request History

Displays paginated list of transfers sorted by the most recent.

Request body params

GET /xp021/v1/transfer/history


Parameter Type required Description
transferId String(32) true The request ID
transactionId String(32) true filter by transaction ID
refundId String(32) true filter by refund ID
description String(32) true description
customTransactionRef String(32) true custom transaction reference
payeeAccountId String(32) true payerAccountId
payeeAccountName String(32) true payeeAccountName
payeeNote String(32) true payeeNote
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "transferId": "TF230510ADMINJYNCS1E",
                "status": "PROCESSING",
                "payeeAccountId": "10005000220449496105178",
                "payeeAccountName": "Tranzak ACME Corp",
                "destinationServiceName": "Afriland First Bank (Cameroon)",
                "payeeNote": "Service charge",
                "description": "Bank transfer test",
                "amount": 10000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "fee": 130,
                "customTransactionRef": "testorder123",                
                "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "type": "bank transfer",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:21:21+00:00"
                "transferId": "TF230510GBYJ7ZERTUB2",
                "status": "FAILED",
                "payeeAccountId": "237674000000",
                "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
                "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
                "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement",
                "description": "Supplier payment",
                "amount": 10000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "fee": 130,
                "customTransactionRef": "order123",                
                "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "type": "mobile money transfer",
                "errorMessage": "administratively restricted",
                "refundId": "REV230510MWMJSH1",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:13:12+00:00"
                "transferId": "TF230510WU42HK62KTR1",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "payeeAccountId": "tz8lp20abxqslgqc",
                "payeeAccountName": "Ben Orock",
                "destinationServiceName": "TRANZAK ACCOUNT",
                "payeeNote": "Payment for 2 bags of cement",
                "description": "Supplier payment",
                "amount": 10000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "fee": 0,
                "customTransactionRef": "order123",                 
                "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "type": "internal transfer",
                "transactionId": "TX230510WB8UFGSF11QI",
                "transactionTime": "2023-05-10T13:10:53+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-10T13:10:53+00:00"
        "totalItems": 40,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true 

Webhook Details

Webhooks are sent out during when the transfer reaches any of the following states:

Event type

To receive callbacks for payment requests, you should create a webhook and subscribe to the following event type : TRANSFER.COMPLETED

Callback Payload

Parameter Type required Description
name String true the TPN info e.g. Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)
version String true The TPN version , e.g 1.0
eventType String true The event type that triggered the callback, e.g TRANSFER.COMPLETED
appId String true The appId that created the request
resourceId String true Unique identifier of the request, e.g. TF231121DN4QCAPWNI9D
resource JSON object true This parameter contains the API response of the request and provides details about the transaction (whether SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.)
webhookId String true The webhook reference that triggered the callback
creationDateTime String true The time the request was generated
authKey String true The authentication key (if configured by the user). It may be used to verify that the payload originated from Tranzak servers.

SUCCESSFUL Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "TRANSFER.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "TF231121DN4QCAPWNI9D",
    "resource": {
        "transferId": "TF231121DN4QCAPWNI9D",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "payeeAccountId": "237674460261",
        "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "payeeAccountName": "Dee",
        "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
        "payeeNote": "Cheers",
        "description": "Transfer test",
        "amount": 500,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 5,
        "customTransactionRef": "test1",        
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "payoutId": null,
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "transactionId": "TX2311212SULTDPCN15R",
        "transactionTime": "2023-11-21T03:15:46+00:00",
        "partnerTransactionId": "test-4345224539",
        "sendSmsToPayee": true,
        "smsContent": "This is the content for SMS",
        "smsMobileNumber": "+237674460261",
        "payeeSmsSuccess": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T03:15:46+00:00"
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 03:16:21",
    "webhookId": "WHM9G4RW7DDXMLIXU6EBZ5",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

FAILED Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "TRANSFER.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "TF231121DDAJL9ZOJCF0",
    "resource": {
        "transferId": "TF231121DDAJL9ZOJCF0",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "payeeAccountId": "237674000000",
        "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "payeeAccountName": "Dee",
        "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
        "payeeNote": "Cheers",
        "description": "Transfer test",
        "amount": 1,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 0,
        "customTransactionRef": "test1",        
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "payoutId": null,
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "errorMessage": "administratively restricted",
        "refundId": "REV231121J6O5LFO",
        "sendSmsToPayee": true,
        "smsContent": "This is the content for SMS",
        "smsMobileNumber": "+237674460261",
        "payeeSmsSuccess": null,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T03:30:29+00:00"
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 03:30:30",
    "webhookId": "WH8UDGOZ9O5T2PDTIA6CTD",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

Bulk Payment API

This endpoint is used to initiate bulk payment to Tranzak users, mobile money or bank accounts. Payment can be made to a single recipient or many recipients in a single request. Up to 2000 recipients may be specified in a single request. By default, the funding source is the PAYOUT account and this account must have enough balance otherwise the transaction would fail.

NOTE API Payout must be enabled on the merchant portal prior to using this endpoint otherwise all API calls to the payout endpoint will fail.

Status Codes

Code Description
PENDING Transfer request has not been authorized and is pending payment.
SUCCESSFUL The payout has been authorized and all transfers have been successfully completed
CANCELLED The request is cancelled and may not be authorized
QUEUED The payout has been authorized. Secondary transactions have been queued waiting to be processed.
PROCESSING The payout has been authorized. Secondary transactions are being processed

Bulk Payment Types


Transfer funds to one or more Tranzak users.

Mobile Wallet

Transfer to one or more mobile wallet users. As of February 2023, only MTN MOMO and Orange Money Cameroon are supported.

Bank Account

Transfer to one or more bank accounts. As of February 2023, only banks in Cameroon are supported.

Note on File Upload

Bulk Payment is supported through file upload. Download the template from the business portal for the desired transaction. Upload the file as form-data using uploadedFile as file parameter. Use the Postman configuration provided as example.

Common Attributes that apply when creating Payment Requests

The following parameters are applicable when creating any payment request. Endpoint-specific parameters will be provided based on the type of endpoint being called.

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
title string(100) true The title of the request
description string(254) true Description of transfer
currencyCode String(3) true 3-letter currency code , e.g XAF
isPriority Boolean false Whether priority queuing should be used.
customTransactionRef String(32) false Custom transfer request reference
recipients Array true See recipient object format below
verifyPayeeName Bool false Default true, meaning Tranzak will validate the name of the beneficiary with the name provided. If the names do not match, the transaction will be temporarily halted pending manual authorization from the requester. NOTE this service is currently available only for MTN and Orange (CAMEROON) Mobile Money numbers.
callbackUrl String(1000) false the URL which will be invoked after the request is processed. e.g . Optionally , you may set global callback URLs for different events using webhooks.
payeeFeePercentage float false The percentage of the fee that will be borne by the payee. Range 0 =< payeeFeePercentage <= 100 . For example, a value of 100 would mean that the payee bears 100% fee which 0 would mean payee bears 0% fee. Default is null which will use the global value set in the Dashboard.
sendSmsToPayee Boolean false Whether to send SMS to recipients. Default is false. e.g. false
sms Object false SMS object (see below)

SMS Body (wrapped inside sms object )

Parameter Type required Description
mobileNumber String true The mobile number to receive SMS notification (if SMS messaging is enabled). This is optional for mobile money transfers. Example: +237674000000
content String true SMS content (limited to 160 ASCII characters) e.g. "Thank you for your business


The recipient payload is similar to the [[Transfer]] request payload

Parameter Type required Description
payeeAccountId String true This is the beneficiary unique identifier. For internal users, this attribute can be tranzak ID, or email, or registered phone number; for mobile money transfer, this attribute will be the mobile wallet number (e.g. +237674xxxxxx) ; for bank transfers, use the 23-digit CEMAC bank account format e.g 1000500022044949610XXXX.
mobileNumber String false Required for mobile money transfer type. Possible values are : 237674000009
payeeAccountName String false Required only for bank transfers. The IBAN 23-digit bank Bank account number . e.g 1000500002070197910XXXX
amount number true the amount to that recipient shall receive e.g. 1000
payeeNote String(20) true Narration e.g. Delivery fee
description String(32) true a custom narration transfer to customer ABC
customTransactionRef String true a custom reference to identify this transaction e.g. transaction123
smsMobileNumber String false The mobile number to receive SMS notification (if SMS messaging is enabled) +237674000000

Bulk Transfer to Internal Tranzak Users

This endpoint is used to make transfers to users users on Tranzak platform. The beneficiaries can be identified using their their registered phone number, email or Tranzak ID e.g TZ1234566666 .

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/transfer

Request body parameters

See the Common Parameters

    "title": "Demo transfer",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "feeIsPaidByPayee": true,
    "isPriority": 1,
    "mchTransactionRef": "ref12345566666",
    "recipients": [
            "payeeAccountId": "tzuo7s3tbyjszfkf",
            "payeeAccountName": "Lucien Bara",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "Test",
            "description": "Transfer to user",
            "customTransactionRef": "111111"
            "payeeAccountId": "",
            "payeeAccountName": "Dan Internal",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "test",
            "description": "Transfer to user",
            "customTransactionRef": "222222"
            "payeeAccountId": "+237674111111",
            "payeeAccountName": "Dan Internal",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "test",
            "description": "Transfer to user",
            "customTransactionRef": "33333"


See the details section

Internal Transfer Via File Upload

Bulk payment to Tranzak users via file upload.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/upload-transfer-file


See the details section

Mobile Wallet Bulk File Upload

Transfer money to one or more mobile money users.

TIP: You are encouraged to call this endpoint using the different test numbers provided to get different outcomes.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/transfer-to-mobile-wallet

Request body parameters

See the Common Parameters

    "title": "Demo transfer",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "feeIsPaidByPayee": 1,
    "isPriority": 1,
    "mchTransactionRef": "ref1234s5566666s",
    "recipients": [
            "payeeAccountId": "+237670000009",
            "payeeAccountName": "Victor Iyansel",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "Thank you!",
            "description": "Tip",
            "customTransactionRef": "1234"
            "payeeAccountId": "+237670000009",
            "payeeAccountName": "Iya Safo",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "Thank you!",
            "description": "Tip",
            "customTransactionRef": "2222"
            "payeeAccountId": "+237690000009",
            "payeeAccountName": "Victor Iyansel",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "Thank you!",
            "description": "Tip",
            "customTransactionRef": "33333"


See the details section

Mobile Wallet Transfer via File Upload

Disburses funds to one or more mobile wallet users in a file

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/upload-mobile-wallet-file


See the details section

Bank Transfer

Disburses funds to one or more bank accounts

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/transfer-to-bank-account

Request body parameters

    "title": "Invoice Payment",
    "currencyCode": "XAF",
    "feeIsPaidByPayee": 0,
    "isPriority": 1,
    "mchTransactionRef": "ref12345566666",
    "recipients": [
            "payeeAccountId": "1000500022044949610AAAA",
            "payeeAccountName": "Victor Nji",
            "amount": 1000,
            "payeeNote": "Invoice payment",
            "description": "Invoice 1111",
            "customTransactionRef": "Inv1111"
            "payeeAccountId": "1000500022044949610BBBB",
            "payeeAccountName": "Rolla Ayuk",
            "amount": 10000,
            "payeeNote": "Invoice payment",
            "description": "INV102",
            "customTransactionRef": "22222"


See the details section

Bank Transfer File Upload

Disburses funds to one or more bank accounts saved in a file

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/upload-bank-transfer-file

View Details of Bulk Payment

Displays bulk payment details

The recipient payload is similar to the [[Transfer]] request payload

Parameter Type required Description
payoutId String true the bulk payment reference ID
withRecipients Boolean false if set, the recipients will be displaed together with the payload

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/payout/details?payoutId={ID}

Details without beneficiary info

       "data": {
        "payoutId": "BP2307036WA1PVL2",
        "title": "Invoice Payment",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "mchTransactionRef": "ref12345566666",
        "description": "",
        "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
        "isPriority": true,
        "totalNumberOfRecipients": 2,
        "totalNumberFailedTransactions": 0,
        "totalFailedTransactionAmount": 0,
        "transactionId": "TX230703AA6NP3N49EBG",
        "transactionTime": "2023-07-03 08:30:29",
        "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
        "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "totalAmount": 11000,
        "priorityFee": 200,
        "totalRecipientFee": 132,
        "totalFee": 332,
        "type": "bank transfer",
        "reportFile": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-07-03T08:30:29+00:00",
        "completedAt": "2023-07-03T08:30:29+00:00"
    "success": true

Details with recipients

    "data": {
        "payoutId": "BP2307036WA1PVL2",
        "title": "Invoice Payment",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "mchTransactionRef": "ref12345566666",
        "description": "",
        "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
        "isPriority": true,
        "totalNumberOfRecipients": 2,
        "totalNumberFailedTransactions": 0,
        "totalFailedTransactionAmount": 0,
        "transactionId": "TX230703AA6NP3N49EBG",
        "transactionTime": "2023-07-03 08:30:29",
        "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
        "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "totalAmount": 11000,
        "priorityFee": 200,
        "totalRecipientFee": 132,
        "totalFee": 332,
        "type": "bank transfer",
        "reportFile": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-07-03T08:30:29+00:00",
        "completedAt": "2023-07-03T08:30:29+00:00",
        "recipients": [
                "payeeAccountId": "1000500022044949610AAAA",
                "payeeAccountName": "Victor Nji",
                "amount": 1000,
                "payeeNote": "Invoice payment",
                "description": "Invoice 1111",
                "customTransactionRef": "Inv1111"
                "payeeAccountId": "1000500022044949610BBBB",
                "payeeAccountName": "Rolla Ayuk",
                "amount": 10000,
                "payeeNote": "Invoice payment",
                "description": "INV102",
                "customTransactionRef": "22222"
    "success": true 

List Bulk Payment History

View history of bulk payment transfers

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/payout/history

Request Filters

Filters (partial search available)

Parameter Type required Description
payoutId String false the payout reference
title String false Filter by title
mchTransactionRef String false search by custom reference
description String false Description of the bulk payment request


    "data": {
        "list": [
                "payoutId": "BP2307031VEHHT29",
                "title": "Demo transfer",
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "mchTransactionRef": "ref12345566666",
                "description": "",
                "feeIsPaidByPayee": true,
                "isPriority": true,
                "totalNumberOfRecipients": 3,
                "transactionId": null,
                "transactionTime": null,
                "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
                "appId": null,
                "fundingAccountId": null,
                "status": "PENDING",
                "totalAmount": 3000,
                "priorityFee": 200,
                "totalRecipientFee": 0,
                "totalFee": 200,
                "type": "internal transfer",
                "reportFile": "",
                "createdAt": "2023-07-03T08:55:26+00:00",
                "completedAt": null
                "payoutId": "BP230703ZSAIVI9E",
                "title": "Payout cool title",
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "mchTransactionRef": "ref1234s5566666s",
                "description": "",
                "feeIsPaidByPayee": true,
                "isPriority": true,
                "totalNumberOfRecipients": 3,
                "transactionId": "TX230703JOE7C3DOMC9N",
                "transactionTime": "2023-07-03 08:47:08",
                "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
                "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "totalAmount": 3000,
                "priorityFee": 200,
                "totalRecipientFee": 0,
                "totalFee": 200,
                "type": "mobile money transfer",
                "reportFile": "",
                "createdAt": "2023-07-03T08:47:08+00:00",
                "completedAt": "2023-07-03T08:47:20+00:00"
                "payoutId": "BP230703AM6EFFXC",
                "title": "Something new",
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "mchTransactionRef": "",
                "description": "",
                "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
                "isPriority": false,
                "totalNumberOfRecipients": 3,
                "transactionId": null,
                "transactionTime": null,
                "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
                "appId": null,
                "fundingAccountId": null,
                "status": "PENDING",
                "totalAmount": 5000,
                "priorityFee": 0,
                "totalRecipientFee": 60,
                "totalFee": 60,
                "type": "mobile money transfer",
                "reportFile": "",
                "createdAt": "2023-07-03T08:45:27+00:00",
                "completedAt": null
        "totalItems": 96,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true 

List Transfers in a Payout Request

Displays paginated list of transfers

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/payout/transfers

Request Filters

Partial search available

Parameter Type required Description
payoutId String false the payout reference
transferId String false transfer reference
payeeAccountId String false beneficiary account number
payeeAccountName String false beneficiary account name
payeeNote String false beneficiary account name
description String false note
customTransactionRef String false custom reference
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "transferId": "TF2307034P9O1TSXG56L",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "payeeAccountId": "+237690000009",
                "fundingAccountId": "ACEMC43VU23S2ZEXCQXR",
                "payeeAccountName": "Victor Iyansel",
                "destinationServiceName": "Orange Money",
                "payeeNote": "",
                "description": "",
                "amount": 1000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "fee": 0,
                "customTransactionRef": "",
                "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
                "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "payoutId": "BP23070333CZMAXF",
                "type": "mobile money transfer",
                "partnerTransactionRefId": "test-725751792",
                "transactionId": "TX2307034S9IYKWO1GML",
                "transactionTime": "2023-07-03T09:17:36+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2023-07-03T09:17:17+00:00"
                "transferId": "TF2307031ZIJUVSGFJQ4",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "payeeAccountId": "+237670000009",
                "fundingAccountId": "ACEMC43VU23S2ZEXCQXR",
                "payeeAccountName": "Iya Safo",
                "destinationServiceName": "MTN Momo",
                "payeeNote": "",
                "description": "",
                "amount": 1000,
                "currencyCode": "XAF",
                "fee": 0,
                "customTransactionRef": "",
                "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
                "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
                "payoutId": "BP23070333CZMAXF",
                "type": "mobile money transfer",
                "partnerTransactionRefId": "test-3233046844",
                "transactionId": "TX230703LMF2MD9YKMQ1",
                "transactionTime": "2023-07-03T09:17:36+00:00",
                "createdAt": "2023-07-03T09:17:17+00:00"

        "totalItems": 118,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": true
    "success": true 

View Details of Transfer Job

Displays single job with details

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/payout/transfer-details?id={TRANSFER_ID}

    "data":  {
        "transferId": "TF2307034P9O1TSXG56L",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "payeeAccountId": "+237690000009",
        "payeeAccountName": "Victor Iyansel",
        "destinationServiceName": "Orange Money",
        "payeeNote": "",
        "description": "",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "fee": 0,
        "customTransactionRef": "",
        "feeIsPaidByPayee": false,
        "createdByAppId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "payoutId": "BP23070333CZMAXF",
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "partnerTransactionRefId": "test-725751792",
        "transactionId": "TX2307034S9IYKWO1GML",
        "transactionTime": "2023-07-03T09:17:36+00:00",
        "createdAt": "2023-07-03T09:17:17+00:00"
    "success": true

Refreshes (stalled) jobs

This is endpoint provides a means to "refresh" or "relaunch" transfer jobs in case they got stalled.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/payout/refresh-jobs

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type required Description
payoutId String false the payout reference
    "payoutId": "PO230301M1VAU9OG"

Webhook Details

Webhooks are sent out during when the transfer reaches any of the following states:

Event type

To receive callbacks for payment requests, you should create a webhook and subscribe to the following event type : BULK_PAYMENT.COMPLETED

Callback Payload

Parameter Type required Description
name String true the TPN info e.g. Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)
version String true The TPN version , e.g 1.0
eventType String true The event type that triggered the callback, e.g BULK_PAYMENT.COMPLETED
appId String true The appId that created the request
resourceId String true Unique identifier of the request, e.g. BP2311210IV6FKVA
resource JSON object true This parameter contains the API response of the request and provides details about the transaction (whether SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.)
webhookId String true The webhook reference that triggered the callback
creationDateTime String true The time the request was generated
authKey String true The authentication key (if configured by the user). It may be used to verify that the payload originated from Tranzak servers.

SUCCESSFUL Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "BULK_PAYMENT.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "BP231121G4ER6MCL",
    "resource": {
        "payoutId": "BP231121G4ER6MCL",
        "title": "Demo transfer",
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "mchTransactionRef": "ref1234s5566666s",
        "description": "",
        "feeIsPaidByPayee": true,
        "isPriority": false,
        "totalNumberOfRecipients": 2,
        "totalNumberFailedTransactions": 1,
        "totalFailedTransactionAmount": 1,
        "transactionId": "TX2311212RRQFDVPRKIG",
        "transactionTime": "2023-11-21 03:48:23",
        "isCreatedViaFileUpload": false,
        "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
        "fundingAccountId": "POT3XUVED48LW0F1PHFB",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "totalAmount": 2,
        "priorityFee": 0,
        "totalRecipientFee": 0,
        "totalFee": 0,
        "type": "mobile money transfer",
        "reportFile": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T03:48:23+00:00",
        "completedAt": "2023-11-21T03:48:25+00:00",
        "sendSmsToPayee": true,
        "smsContent": "Thank you for patronizing us",
        "refundId": "REF231121NH2X0EB",
        "totalRefundedAmount": 1
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 03:48:25",
    "webhookId": "WH8UDGOZ9O5T2PDTIA6CTD",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

SMS and Bulk SMS API

This endpoint is used to send SMS to one or multiple phone numbers. All networks in Cameroon are supported. A single SMS length is 160 regular characters. You can send bulk SMS to up to 500 numbers in a single API call. Every account is given free SMS balance for testing purpose. You can top up SMS balance for your organization at:


  1. Some symbols like emojis count as two characters in a message
  2. For more security control, we recommend having different apps(hence different apiKeys) for Payment and SMS. You can create a different developer APP for SMS purpose from our developer portal:, then use the corresponding appId and apiKey to send SMS.

Endpoint URL.

POST /dn088/v1/sms/api/send

Request Header parameters

Parameter Type required Description
Authorization string true Your API token generated as described Here in the format Bearer ${token}.

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
phones string true Comma separated phone numbers. eg: "+23767xxxxxxx,+23769xxxxxxx,+23768xxxxxxx. Max: 500 numbers per API call
msg string true The SMS content to send
senderId string false The name to display as sender for each SMS. The name should be 11 characters Max, including white space. Contact support to register a new senderId Unregistered senderId won't work.


Parameter Type required Description
msg string true The SMS content sent
results Array true Different phone numbers and their reception status
total int true The Total number of SMS sent (total of phone numbers * total SMS count).

Below is a sample response for a successful call.

    "data": {
        "msg": "New promotion going on for all special users. Please login to our application and claim yours.",
        "results": [
                "msisdn": "+2376719xxxx3",
                "smscount": "3",
                "code": "0",
                "reason": "ACCEPTED",
                "ticket": "711af4b1-a994-11ee-af6c-00000a148c01"
                "msisdn": "+237692xxxx1",
                "smscount": "3",
                "code": "0",
                "reason": "ACCEPTED",
                "ticket": "711b69e1-a994-11ee-af6c-00000a148c01"
        "total": 2
    "success": true,
    "errorMsg": "",
    "errorCode": 0


Interface to create and manage refund requests

Refund Status Codes

Code Description
PENDING Refund request is pending approval
APPROVED The refund has been approved (by merchant)
REJECTED The refund request was rejected
ON_HOLD Request is on hold - pending investigation
SUCCESSFUL The refund has been successfully completed
CANCELLED The request for refund was cancelled (by payer)
FAILED The refund request failed

Create (web redirect)

Creates and automatically approves a refund. The funding account must have adequate balance otherwise the refund request will fail.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/refund/create

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
refundedTransactionId String true The transaction to be refunded
amount number false the amount to refund. If not set, then full refund will be issued. e.g. 1000
reasonCode integer true Reason code ( see reason codes section for list of supported codes)
mchTransactionRef String(32) true Custom refund reference e.g mchRefund123333
note String(500) false Merchant note to payer
    "refundedTransactionId": "TX2207063QEV4E6A64Q6",
    "reasonCode": 2,
    "merchantRefundNumber": "mchRefund123333",
    "note": "Sorry for the inconvenience",
    "amount": 1

Refund Details

Displays details of a refund

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/refund/details?refundId={REFUND_ID}

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
refundId String true Refund ID
    "data": {
        "refundId": "REFKYAVGDV257LVZY7U5",
        "refundedTransactionId": "TX2207063QEV4E6A64Q6",
        "amount": 1,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "type": "REFUND",
        "merchantRefundRef": "mchRefund123333",
        "reasonDescription": "la commande n'était pas conforme à l'accord de transaction",
        "isInitiatedByText": "marchand",
        "isCancelledByText": "",
        "isApprovedByText": "marchand",
        "note": "Sorry for the inconvenience",
        "reasonCode": 2,
        "createdAt": "2022-07-06T10:01:18+00:00",
        "approvedAt": "2022-07-06T10:01:18+00:00"
    "success": true


See the details


Approves a request for refund submitted by payer.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/refund/approve

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
refundId number true The refund reference e.g. REFKYAVGDV257LVZY7U5
note String(3) true Custom message to payer
    "refundId": "REFKYAVGDV257LVZY7U5", 
    "note" : "Thank you for your business."


See the response details section


Rejects a request submitted by payer.

Endpoint URL

POST /xp021/v1/refund/reject

Request body parameters

Parameter Type required Description
refundId number true The refund reference e.g. REFKYAVGDV257LVZY7U5
note String(3) true Custom message to payer
    "refundId": "REFV1OWJQCT2OQ16L8P9" , 
    "note" : "Fully compliant transaction"


See the response details

List Request Codes

Request reason codes

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/refund/reason-codes

Request body parameters



    "data": {
        "1": "mutual agreement between buyer and seller",
        "2": "the order did not match the transaction agreement",
        "3": "suspicious transaction",
        "4": "disputed transaction",
        "5": "other reasons",
        "6": "Deficient product/service",
        "7": "Duplicate transaction",
        "8": "Purchased item not delivered by merchant"
    "success": true 

List Request Codes

Lists reject reason codes

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/refund/reject-codes

Request body parameters



    "data": {
        "1": "insufficient evidence",
        "2": "mutual agreement"
    "success": true 


Displays paginated list of refunds

Endpoint URL

GET /xp021/v1/refund/history

Request body parameters



    "data": {
        "list": [
                "refundId": "REF2208186Y48CTRFACZ",
                "refundedTransactionId": "TX220818D3FQFN4OD0VQ",
                "amount": 1,
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "type": "REFUND",
                "merchantRefundRef": null,
                "reasonDescription": "the order did not match the transaction agreement",
                "isInitiatedByText": "merchant",
                "isCancelledByText": "",
                "isApprovedByText": "merchant",
                "note": "Sorry for the inconvenience",
                "reasonCode": "2",
                "createdAt": "2022-08-18T15:43:14+00:00",
                "approvedAt": "2022-08-18T15:43:14+00:00"
                "refundId": "REF220818HGLQOVLIA86",
                "refundedTransactionId": "TX220818D3FQFN4OD0VQ",
                "amount": 1,
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
                "type": "REFUND",
                "merchantRefundRef": null,
                "reasonDescription": "the order did not match the transaction agreement",
                "isInitiatedByText": "merchant",
                "isCancelledByText": "",
                "isApprovedByText": "merchant",
                "note": "Sorry for the inconvenience",
                "reasonCode": "2",
                "createdAt": "2022-08-18T15:43:12+00:00",
                "approvedAt": "2022-08-18T15:43:12+00:00"
        "totalItems": 1,
        "pageCount": [
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "hasMore": false
    "success": true

Webhook Details

Webhooks are sent out during when the payment request reaches any of the following states:

Event type

To receive callbacks for payment requests, you should create a webhook and subscribe to the following event type : REFUND.COMPLETED

Callback Payload

Parameter Type required Description
name String true the TPN info e.g. Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)
version String true The TPN version , e.g 1.0
eventType String true The event type that triggered the callback, e.g REFUND.COMPLETED
appId String true The appId that created the request
resourceId String true Unique identifier of the request, e.g. REF231121REIF5J2
resource JSON object true This parameter contains the API response of the request and provides details about the transaction (whether SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.)
webhookId String true The webhook reference that triggered the callback
creationDateTime String true The time the request was generated
authKey String true The authentication key (if configured by the user). It may be used to verify that the payload originated from Tranzak servers.

SUCCESSFUL Transaction

    "name": "Tranzak Payment Notification (TPN)",
    "version": "1.0",
    "eventType": "REFUND.COMPLETED",
    "merchantId": null,
    "appId": "apnz8rfqqsgoai",
    "resourceId": "REF231121VJK2G57",
    "resource": {
        "refundId": "REF231121VJK2G57",
        "refundedTransactionId": "TX231121OLN76RPLMWFJ",
        "serviceId": "REQ231121XEBWWKWY8HT",
        "amount": 1,
        "currencyCode": "XAF",
        "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "type": "REFUND",
        "merchantRefundRef": null,
        "reasonDescription": "the order did not match the transaction agreement",
        "isInitiatedByText": "merchant",
        "isCancelledByText": null,
        "isApprovedByText": "merchant",
        "note": "Sorry for the inconvenience",
        "reasonCode": 2,
        "reason": "the order did not match the transaction agreement",
        "createdAt": "2023-11-21T04:22:32+00:00",
        "approvedAt": "2023-11-21T04:22:32+00:00"
    "creationDateTime": "2023-11-21 04:22:34",
    "webhookId": "WH8UDGOZ9O5T2PDTIA6CTD",
    "authKey": "jaldfjalsdjkssssssssssssssssssssss"

Real Name Verification


The name verification endpoint is for verifying the name of mobile money account holders. Developers can pass the phone numbers of an account to obtain the account holder information.

Supported Services

The following operators are supported:

  1. MTN MOMO - Cameroon
  2. Orange Money - Cameroon


Access to this API is restricted on production environment but open for testing on Sandbox environment. Contact to enable access for your account on production environment.

Create A Verification Request

The following endpoint is used to create a verification request:

POST /xp021/v1/name-verification/create

Request Parameters

Parameter Type required Description
accountHolderId String true The mobile money number being queried e.g +237674460261
customTransactionId String false a custom order reference


Parameter Type required Description
requestId String true The mobile money number e.g NV2411285ZC9OE
accountHolderId String true The mobile money number
customTransactionId String false a custom order reference
verifiedName String false The verified name
operatorName String false The operator name
status String false Status . Possible values : PENDING, COMPLETED , FAILED
errorCode String false error code - in case of failure
errorMessage String false error message
    "data": {
        "requestId": "NV2411285ZC9OE",
        "customTransactionId": "123444",
        "accountHolderId": "+237674460261",
        "verifiedName": "Tranzak Random Name",
        "operatorName": "MTN MOMO (CM)",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "createdAt": "2024-11-28T09:26:30+00:00",
        "errorCode": null,
        "errorMessage": null
    "success": true 

Query Request Status

Query the status of a request

URL Endpoint

GET /xp021/v1/name-verification/details?requestId={{REQUEST_ID}}


The request may be queried using any of the following parameters

Parameter Type required Description
requestId String true account ID
customTransactionId String true the custom name (as set in the merchant dasboard)
    "data": {
        "requestId": "NV2411285ZC9OE",
        "customTransactionId": "123444",
        "accountHolderId": "+237674460261",
        "verifiedName": "Tranzak Random Name",
        "operatorName": "MTN MOMO (CM)",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "createdAt": "2024-11-28T09:26:30+00:00",
        "errorCode": null,
        "errorMessage": null
    "success": true 

Test Data

Test Mobile Numbers

Mobile wallet numbers not mentioned below will always return status SUCCESSFUL . Note that the returned status is applicable when the mobile numbers are used as payment methods and also when they are used as beneficiary (e.g during mass payment).

FAILED status

Number Operator Final Status
237674000000 Momo Cameroon FAILED
237690000000 Orange Money FAILED
237674000001 MOMO Cameroon PAYMENT_IN_PROGRESS
237690000001 Orange Money PAYMENT_IN_PROGRESS
237690000002 Orange Money PAYER_REDIRECT_REQUIRED